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Jon Fleischman

AD72 – Puff Mail From Ackerman

Over the weekend voters in the 72nd Assembly District were treated to positive mail pieces from both Linda Ackerman and Chris Norby. 

Attached to this post is a letter that went out from Linda Ackerman as well as a brochure.

Expect to see a lot of positive mail from Ackerman’s campaign as, based on the only survey to which we are privy, she has a lot of establishing herself to do with voters — where Norby, as a current elected official has a lead. 

There are lots of rumors of independent expenditures in the works on Ackerman’s behalf.  If true, look for those to do the "dirty work" of going negative on her main opponent, Chris Norby.

The next post will have a piece of mail from Norby that dropped over the weekend.