After about eight postponements, the criminal trial of ex-Capistrano Unified School District Superintendent James Fleming, and one of his assistants, will get underway in Santa Ana tomorrow. Fleming was indicted in 2007 for among other things establishing an "enemies list" in connection with fighting off the initial stages of the first recall election that led to major changes in the district. FlashReport readers may be familiar with at least one of the witnesses on the prosecution’s list for the trial………………It was great to attend Game One of the Angel’s division championship series last week and see them beat the Red Sox. My wife did a great job getting those tickets. Now she tells me we will be in the Diamond Club for Game Three of the American League Championship series vs. the Yankees next Monday. At times like these, 20 years of marriage makes real sense…………..Tonight we are off to the Reagan Library in Simi Valley to see a presentation by the Presidential Foundation and hear a piano concert offered by Norma Zimdahl, a very skilled performer and Tucson philanthropist. Norma has been a generous supporter of conservative causes……….This weekend the annual Western Conservative Political Action Conference will be held at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach, with a great agenda, including Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, both Meg Whitman and Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, John Fund of the Wall Street Journal, and a whole pumpkin patch of great speakers. Info and registration can be had at With Obama as President, I think it is fair to say this will be the scary-est Halloween of my lifetime………..The New Yorker has a great cartoon in the current issue. The picture is of two hardened drunks sitting at a sleazy bar, and one drunk says to the other "It’s great to get hammered by something other than the economy." That would be the OBAMA economy. Hope everyone is otherwise having a great October!