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Jon Fleischman

Fullerton Civic Leaders Announce Support for Linda Ackerman

When I met both Chris Norby and Dick Ackerman, both were serving on the Fullerton City Council.  It was entertaining, to say the least, to watch the two of them duke it out in a special election for the Assembly back in the early 90’s.

Given that both the Ackermans and Norby have long histories of involvement in the city, I think it is at notable that Linda Ackerman’s campaign is rolling out endorsements from five of Fullerton’s current and former civic leaders…  Current Fullerton Mayor Don Bankhead and current Councilman Dick Jones…as former Mayors Buck Catlin, Jerry Christie and Linda Le Quire (the latter of whom I enjoyed working with immensely during our time working together in the office of Congressman Ed Royce back in the day).