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Jon Fleischman

Unbelievable – Assembly Republicans Find $3 BILLION in Eco-Pork in Water Package

It would appear, according to the Fresno Bee, that Senate and Assembly Democrats need a reminder that in trying to come to a solution that solves the problem of people in California not having enough water for their personal and business needs, passing a solution through the legislature is only the first part of a two-step process.  Any solution, because of the inevitable need to borrow large sums of money, will require voter approval.

So it is with a certain level of cynicism that I read today in the Fresno Bee that Assembly Republicans have identified a staggering $3 billion in what Assemblyman Tom Berryhill refers to as "environmental pork" in the package as proposed.

Or put another way, Democrats apparently (and shamefully) want to use the water crisis as a means to try and get voters to approve billions in borrowing that have nothing to do with actually delivering water to those people and business in need.  Unbelievable.

I would remind the legislature that the last time a poorly-devised "plan" was hatched in the Capitol and sent to voters, the resulting ballot measure were soundly rejected by the voters.

I know from my talks with the coalition of taxpayers advocates who opposed those measures that there will be vehement opposition to a water package on the ballot if it contains unreasonable and unnecessary "elective" eco-pork (let alone billions of dollars worth!).

We are in a recession, in case the people in the Capitol hadn’t noticed.  Selling a massive borrowing measure to the public will not be an easy sell in any case.  But a package that simply solves the problem of getting water stored and conveyed (with an understanding that some environmental mitigation will be required to get the necessary federal regulatory approvals to build a canal and dams) is one that everyone can come together and sell to the electorate.

A water package that is a "Christmas Tree of spending with eco-pork as ornaments" would be a tragedy — as it would likely be rejected by the voters.

Look, I "get it" that Sacramento liberals despirately want to spend OPM (other people’s money) and that with the recession that hasn’t been as easy — but don’t treat the voters as chumps.  And certainly don’t under estimate the impact that taxpayer advocacy groups, such as the powerful Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, will have in the election.  Groups like this should be brought into the process and their input taken prior to a final product coming before the legislature, and then the voters.

This water issue involves smart people coming together to solve the water availability (or lackof) crisis — period.  And in a way that will be able to get votes from the public in the midst of uncertain economic times.

One Response to “Unbelievable – Assembly Republicans Find $3 BILLION in Eco-Pork in Water Package”

  1. Says:

    Whoever did this evil deed should be recalled….there should be no place to hide for corrupt and inept politicans…

    Yeah Yeah…..tough talkie!

    Lets get em….any volutneers?

    I doubt it…..”pass the shrimp and Port”.