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Mike Spence

Linda Boyd, Mike Spence, Speedos and Glendora Unified School District

Glendora has always been a pretty conservative town. Most of their school board elections haven’t been that exciting over the years. 

This year a familiar Republican activist is running against three incumbents.

Former Three-term Los Angeles County Republican Party Chair Linda Boyd is running for a seat. Many know here and her husband CRP Regional Vice-Chair Doug Boyd as GOP activists. 

But they are busier than that. Between them they have eleven children. They have a 3 year old daughter Reagan (a name stolen from the Spence’s) and adopted 2 year old twins Christian and Karleigh So they will soon have skin in the game
In what may be an instance of too full disclosure one board member is Mike Guatreau. Mike is a Republican and principal of West Covina High School. He also is one of two school board members (yes there are two, the other is Covina Valley’s Darrell Myrick) in the state that have had the high privilege of seeing me on a regular basis in a Speedo as my a high school swim coach. 

The big issue is a proposed parcel tax. Glendora has been hit hard by declining enrollment and recently decided to close a school. Some want a parcel tax to make up the shortfalls. The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is supporting Boyd. Will voters rally to her cause? This is one town they may. Find out November 3, 2009. You can help Linda here.


One Response to “Linda Boyd, Mike Spence, Speedos and Glendora Unified School District”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    They saw you in a speedo?