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Jon Fleischman

Give Us A Water Deal… Monday!

According to our friends over at Capitol Weekly, today’s "Big 5" meeting (The Governor and the four Legislative Leaders) "blew up" with tensions high.  Republicans are unhappy because legislation they were promised would make it to the Governor’s desk did not.  Democrats are unhappy because legislation they want on the Governor’s desk hasn’t gotten there (these particular bills require a 2/3 vote).  In the balance is a potential deal on the state’s water crisis, among other things.

In the balance, so they say, are over 700 pieces of legislation that legislative Democrats have put onto the Governor’s desk.  If the Governor does not act on these bills by Sunday, apparently they all become law.  But the word is that without any legislation on his desk to resolve the water crisis, the Governor will be spending all of his time focused on this goal, without the necessary time to review all of those bills — and that he would, in theory, veto them all rather than allow these bills to become law without proper Gubernatorial review.

To all of this we say, "Give us a fiscally prudent water deal… Monday!"

Nothing could serve the best interests of California taxpayers than a hearty and comprehensive veto of all 700+ bills on the Governors desk.  Are there a few here and there that represent good public policy?  Sure.  But considered as an entire group, it is an easy call — veto, veto, veto…