Last week I had a chance to sit down with Gubernatorial hopeful Meg Whitman for the better part of an hour. Our interview covered a number of policy areas including global warming/AB32, eminent domain, gun control, abortion, and philosophy about government. Because we had the handy FlashReport digital recorder along, we’ll be able to bring you some direct excerpts from the interview. Because of the location at which we met in Menlo Park on the San Francisco Peninsula,
we’ll call these "Excerpts From The Peet’s Coffee Interview" — and here is a segment where we discuss the environment, global warming, and the implementation of AB32, California’s legislation that requires strict reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of all sorts… Enjoy! Flash.
Flash: Let’s talk about greenhouse gas emissions and the science behind global warming, and what your philosophy is about global warming. And then let’s have a talk about what you think should or shouldn’t be done about it on the short term versus the long term.
Whitman: So I think the science is fairly compelling behind global warming. Nothing is iron-clad in science, but as I look at the data, it does look to me that the earth is warming. It started largely around the Industrial Revolution and it has gone pretty dramatically up over the last 110, 120 years. And you look at some of the obvious statistics around the size of the polar ice caps and things, it does look to me like the earth is warming. I would also make the conclusion that actually man does have a hand in this. There may also be long-term cycles to me, but I would say it does, to me, looks like the data says that man has had a hand in this.
**There is more – click the link**
October 5th, 2009 at 12:00 am
Me thinks this site is a KOOK SITE!
Pumps Kooks, Quotes Kooks, Kook Readers?
October 5th, 2009 at 12:00 am
Meg Whitman sounds reasonable, but it appears that she has “bought into” the idea of global warming as a man-made thing that requires some sort of government action.
Conservatives should not be too quick to take this leap of faith. Temperatures have been rising on the other planets lately, without our help. What is more, it does not appear that Earth’s temperature has increased in recent years, despite all the increases in human activity. It seems quite possible, even likely, that the current panic about global warming is just as misguided as the 1970s scare about the “New Ice Age” that we were supposedly entering.
I applaud Meg Whitman’s call for a moratorium on AB 32 regulations, but I would be happier if she would call for the outright repeal of AB 32, as other candidates have done. It makes no sense to destroy our economy and ruin our state in a misguided effort to reduce carbon dioxide by amounts that are so small, in terms of worldwide climate, that they cannot even be measured.
October 6th, 2009 at 12:00 am
Scientists pull an about face on global warming:
October 6th, 2009 at 12:00 am
Applauding Meg Whitman? ….the candidate who appears to have endearing fuzzies for Babs Boxer and Van Jones….the “dying to be governor” who just could not find time to vote for approx. 20yrs., the true, true patriot who registered, finally, as a dish water Republican about 2007…and, of course, the go to guru climate control whacko as a side light to her impressive success being the queen of swap meets.
We already have a nut case in leadership chipping away at our freedoms…greenhouse gases….had enough?