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Jon Fleischman

Governor – Veto Away!

According to Capitol Weekly, Governor Schwarzenegger has all but said that without a comprehensive water deal coming together, he is prepared to nuke all of the hundreds of bills sitting on his desk.

We here at the FlashReport have said solving the state’s water problems in a fiscally responsible way should be a top priority of the legislature and Governor.

That said, I think that it would be tremendous bonus, at this point, if the process of reaching an accord on a solution to the water problems could take just long enough to allow the Governor to veto every bill on his desk.

This would save the taxpayers vast amounts of money, and kill tons of new fees and regulations that Capitol Democrats sent to his desk despite the sour state of the economy.

As former Assembly Speaker Willie Brown basically says in this column, if Democrats don’t come to the table to work towards a water solution, they will pay a political price next November.

2 Responses to “Governor – Veto Away!”

  1. Says:

    What is “fiscally responsible”? A $10 billion bond for new dams?

    And Mayor Brown ought to know better: the reason Dems are able to win in the suburbs is because they are pro-environment and so are most of the state’s independent voters. Ask Mr. Pombo.

  2. Says:

    What is “fiscally responsible”? A $10 billion bond for new dams?

    And Mayor Brown ought to know better: the reason Dems are able to win in the suburbs is because they are pro-environment and so are most of the state’s independent voters. Ask Mr. Pombo.