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Jon Fleischman

Bass Sends Political Water Novice Caballero To Washington, D.C.

Assembly Speaker Karen Bass has sent water policy novice Assemblywoman Anna Caballero to Washington D.C. to as one of the Democrat's “chief negotiator” for California's water crisis.  

Why does the Assembly Speaker Karen Bass believe Asm. Caballero is one of the top negotiators on water for the Golden State, when Asm. Cabellero has only introduced two water related bills and the one that seeks to improve the Central Valley water crisis, Asm. Caballero lifted 90% of the language from Senator Cogdill's bond bill?  

This doesn't make Asm. Caballero and expert in water.  It makes her an expert in photocopying and taking other people's ideas.

With Asm. Caballero in Washington D.C., what immediate actions will our damaged region receive?  Will the pumps be turned on, or will there be another study, more delay and empty promises, and more lost jobs?  The people in the Central Valley were hopeful when the Assembly Leader Alberto Torrico stated the that Latino Caucus in supporting a proposal that puts the people over politics and improves the Central Valley, not special environmental interests.  

Unfortunately, these are words that Asm. Torrico has not been willing to utter to any English language reporter.  Asm. Torrico hasn't even been willing to repeat his own words that he stated before a Spanish speaking audience on Univision.  

While Asm. Bass tries to prop up Asm. Cabellero for a State Senate run, thousands of farmland acres are fallow and tens of thousands of people are out of work.  People are living out of cars and thousands more line up for food handouts.

The people of the Central Valley need the Democrat Party to understand that people are dying, families are suffering, and futures are being ripped from our state's working poor.  Sending a political water novice to Washington D.C. sends the wrong message.

One Response to “Bass Sends Political Water Novice Caballero To Washington, D.C.”

  1. Says:

    There is no VILLAGE that would claim Karen Bass as their own….none…nada…

    This woman is the most incompetent politican in America….bar none. She plays with people’s lives and jobs. There are other people in California besides overweight union members in sloppy purple shirts who shout venom against capitalism and taxpayers.

    Resign Karen…..a job pressing purple shirts awaits you.