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Jon Fleischman

UPDATED: Whitman: I Was Too Busy To Vote

Juliet Williams over at the Associated Press has the story.

Excerpt:  She says for most of her adult life, she was raising a family, working, and focusing on her husband’s career. But Whitman says that’s no excuse for failing to register or vote.

UPDATE: Here is a more complete and direct response from Whitman on the issue.

2 Responses to “UPDATED: Whitman: I Was Too Busy To Vote”

  1. Says:

    How can one take Whitman as a serious candidate….excuses for not being a concerned voter and active contributor in our democracy are lame and alarming…

    It appears she only has time to vote when “it would be nice to be governor”.

    Even RINOS and related moderates ilk should have problems with Whitman’s civics lapses.

  2. Says:

    come on, what a sob story.

    I raised a family too, had serious health issues, and still managed to vote.

    cry me a river…..