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Jon Fleischman

Whitman “First Up” With Statewide Radio Spot

Today GOP Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman has launched a statewide media ad that FR sources have confirmed is an extensive and deep reaching buy throughout California. It is interesting to note that Whitman’s first media spot does not feature her own voice, but that of an announcer — well, except at the very end where you can hear her say, "Paid By Meg Whitman For Governor 2010…"

Below is a transcript of the piece, and then you can click on the video below that to hear the audio (courtesy of the Whitman campaign).  This buy represents the first media buy of what promises to be a long, entertaining and expensive primary season…


California needs new leadership.

We need someone with a proven ability at creating jobs.

Who understands what growing businesses need.

Who still believes government should be small, efficient and affordable. We need Meg Whitman.

Meg has 30 years of business experience with major companies like Disney, Hasbro and Procter & Gamble.

As CEO of eBay, she took a start-up and turned it into a Fortune 500 company creating thousands of new jobs here in California.

She helped entrepreneurs create thousands of small businesses and she was recognized as one of the best business leaders in America.

We need to reinvent California.

And that reinvention starts at the top.

For a new California. Meg Whitman.