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Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman Love$ RedState!

The last couple of days as I have been surfing innumerable websites gathering interesting political links for FlashReport readers, I have noted something interesting over at the venerable RedState website, one of the leading national conservative places on the web.  Below is a clip from their main page this morning, and below I have attached a full sized image (click on the link). 

Look who is showing serious love to our friends at RedState!

2 Responses to “Meg Whitman Love$ RedState!”

  1. Says:

    “Money can’t but you love” Meg as the Beatles’s song intones, but I guess it will make a few Republican blogs some good ad revenue.

  2. Says:

    Money can’t buy you love but it can buy you campaign consultants.

    The screen capture says: “The next Governor must have a spine of steel, knows what she believes and stick with it.”

    What would Meg Whitman do as Governor? Would she be to the right of Arnold or to the left?

    Listen to Meg Whitman in her own words:

    Meg Whitman Love Boat Parody:

    Be aware of power brokers, campaign consultants and other groups pushing moderate Republicans. Their goals may not be the same as yours.