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Irvine Mayor Joins Anti-Gun Group

One of the benefits of being an NRA member are the Legislative Alerts (orange post cards) they send when some elected official in your area goes goofy on gun rights.

Well the other day I got an alert that my own Irvine mayor, Sukhee Kang had joined forces with Republican, Independent, Democrat , ??? NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  The group called Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) is a front for anti-2nd Amendment forces.

In my weekly column which appears in the Orange County Register’s Irvine paper, I mention it at the end.

In the case of Mayor Kang, I suspect it was a desire to please/curry favor wth the big-city mayor that asked him to join rather than a true deep-seated anti-gun philosophy.  But that is no excuse.

One Response to “Irvine Mayor Joins Anti-Gun Group”

  1. Says:


    Thank you! It’s nice to see a gun article here – almost seems CA Republicans have forgotten about gun rights, esp with 3 – 4 prospective Gov. candidates that are antigun (or not enough different they can safely be regarded as such).

    Maybe one day we’ll get some CA legislators willing to carry some passable gun bills (passable due to incremental improvements as opposed to som pols’ grand sweeping bills that have no chance)
    – instead of being the timid mice they are (“oops, I was too busy and forgot to sponsor your bill”).

    CA gunnies are getting tired of being taken for granted by the CA Republican party/legislators. It’s time to jack it up to the next step – just voting “No” on antigun bills isn’t gonna be good enough much longer: I want legislators calling up NRA’s Ed Worley, asking what bills they can sponsor to aid CA’s gunnies.

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA