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Bill Leonard

Poizner Tax Cuts Will Create Jobs

Republican candidate for Governor Steve Poizner unveiled a new and innovative conservative tax policy yesterday at the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner Poizner is proposing across-the-board tax cuts for every Californian and an innovative jobs program that will get California’s economy back on track. One of the things I like best about Poizner’s plan is that he is proposing specific, detailed policies on how to cut taxes. I’ll let the numbers speak for themselves:
When he is Governor, Poizner will enact the following tax cuts:

10% cut in personal income tax rates

10% cut in the state sales tax rate

10% cut in the corporation tax rate

50% cut in capital gains tax rates
In today’s economic climate, we all know that government stimulus is over-used and over promised. The only proven way for government to even marginally stimulate the economy is by cutting taxes.  Across-the-board tax cuts have the virtue that everybody benefits and everyone is free to make their own consumer and business decisions based on the new rates.
I’ve experienced many elections in California, but I have never seen an electorate that is more ready for conservative solutions than Californians are in 2010. Poizner is the only candidate for Governor who is proposing detailed conservative solutions; and that’s because he is the only real conservative candidate in the race for Governor.
As you may know, Poizner changed the world when he invented the GPS technology that is now in over 700 million cell phones worldwide. That very same spirit of innovation will drive Steve’s job creation program when he is elected Governor. As part of his job growth plan, Steve has proposed creating www.Startup.Ca.Gov, a website that will give entrepreneurs and innovators in California a 24 hour, virtual one-stop-shop to obtain the licenses and permits necessary to start a business. As with the GPS technology he invented, Steve is focused on finding innovative conservative solutions to solve the economic problems facing our state and counter the anti-conservative mentality that currently dominates Sacramento.
Steve’s bold policy on tax cuts comes at the exact time when conservatives in California need a strong leader on taxes. While the Legislature is bogged down with fee and tax increase proposals, Commissioner Poizner stands out for actually proposing government actions that will create jobs. One thing that the partisan liberals in the Legislature don’t realize is that an across-the-board tax cut is simple and sound economics that will benefit even the most liberal members of their constituency. 

Steve’s tax cuts will benefit union members, teachers, the middle class, small businesses, and the broader economy in the same way – by stimulating growth.  When Democratic President John Kennedy cut taxes – it stimulated the economy. When Republican President Ronald Reagan cut taxes – it stimulated the economy.  When Republican Governor Steve Poizner cuts taxes – it will stimulate the economy and create jobs.

Now is the time for conservatives in California to unite and fight for the conservative solutions that will revitalize our state. We can’t afford to be fooled again by another Schwarzenegger candidate who pretends to be a conservative but doesn’t deliver when we really need them.
There is only one conservative in this race and there is only one candidate who has been there, and will continue to be there, when we need him – Steve Poizner.