This brief commentary just came in from David Crane, Economic Advisor to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. This piece is a response to a blog post over at CalBuzz.

Accompanied by a photograph of John Wayne packin’ a six-shooter, Wednesday a columnist wrote that Tax Reform Commission chairman Gerry Parsky was "aimin’ to bushwhack" the tax reform panel.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Tomorrow the Commission will meet in Los Angeles, followed by another meeting Monday in Berkeley and more discussion as necessary before the Commission presents its recommendations to the Legislature and Governor. There will be plenty of time for the Commission members to study and digest the proposals before any recommendations are made. Special interst groups from both extremes will rush to judge and attempt to torpedo the recommendations. It’s imperative that all sides take the time to thoroughly analyze and weigh the commission’s recommendations.
In 1986, one of John Wayne’s colleagues – Ronald Reagan – had some comments about the vested interests then trying to stop any discussion of tax reform:
"Let’s not let prisoners of mediocrity wear us down. Let’s not let the special interest raids of the few rob us of all our dreams."
His words should be recalled as once again, special interests seek to stop even the discussion of tax reform. Let’s allow the Commission to complete its deliberations and present its recommendations.
This entry was posted
on Friday, September 11th, 2009 at 12:00 am and is filed under Blog Posts.