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BOE Member George Runner

Hang on to your wallet: Tax Commission expected to propose $3 billion tax hike

The California Taxpayers’ Association recently reported the Commission on the 21st Century Economy is proposing an 18 cent tax increase on gasoline and diesel fuel to “encourage energy conservation.”

This is bad news for California families and small businesses that already pay some of the highest taxes in the nation.

The new tax would be in addition to the existing state gas tax of 18 cents per gallon, the federal tax of 18.4 cents per gallon, and the sales tax that is assessed after gas taxes are added to the price. California consumers also ultimately pay the costs of the state’s high taxes and regulatory costs on businesses that produce and sell gasoline, said Cal Taxpayers.

5 Responses to “Hang on to your wallet: Tax Commission expected to propose $3 billion tax hike”

  1. Says:

    Well, heck, Senator Runner. Got to raise some revenue to pay for all the initiatives that you’ve put on the ballot without funding!

  2. Says:

    Why….why do Flash Report Junkies take it….committee after admin group of faceless communists are destroying all businesses in California….were is the revolt, the action, the outrage…

    Business wussies deserve what they get….no guts no glory.

  3. Says:

    Hey Steve, how about firing some parasite cubicle workers and actually spending the money on building prisons?

  4. Says:

    Prisons or schools? I’ll take schools.

  5. Says:

    Yeah, I would like to see money actually reach schools, without being leeched by the useless bureaucracy in Sacramento.