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Shawn Steel


Most politicos don’t usually socialize with terror apologists. Generally, they are cautious to a fault. Which is why a political event today in Sacramento raises serious questions of what were they thinking.   The extremist group CAIR (Committee for American-Islamic Relations) recently issued a press release announcing its 6th Annual Ramadan Iftar inside the Capitol Rotunda (see the release with a full list of legislative co-hosts attached to the bottom of this post).

The Iftar is co-hosted by most of the legislative Democrats including Senate President Darrell Steinberg.  Speaker Karen Bass, plus the Governor. Tragically, Steinberg, Bass and the Governor are clueless about CAIR. The FBI described CAIR front group for Hamas. CAIR was also an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism case in Texas Federal Court last year. 

We learned the genius behind this incident is the ambitious Assemblyman Dave Jones, who made the request for CAIR. We will bet he will have a lot of explaining to do to his colleagues. 

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: CAIR, HAMAS, ARNOLD AND THE DEMS”

  1. Says:

    I just read this after receiving three phone calls about the issue and I have to say that although it’s not often I agree with Shawn on politics, but he nailed this one directly. It’s a sad commentary on the lack of knowledge about the Middle East on the part of many elected officials that they would appear at an event hosted by a group like this. Of course I am giving them the benefit of the doubt by saying they are ignorant as opposed to simply being Anti-Israel. This is not something a member of either party should be associated with and Shawn is showing a lot of guts by pointing out the Governors involvement along with way too many Democrats.

  2. Says:

    Shawn is 100% correct about CAIR. This needs more exposure and the politicians involved need to be held accountable.

  3. Says:

    Setting aside the reality of CAIR being a front organization for terrorist activities, there is the issue of separation of church and state. At a day and age when our schools, courts, and government offices are intimidated into hiding any kinds of religious (mainly Chirsitan) symbols, i.e. Chirstmas trees, crosses, the ten commandment displays, then why is an islamic fasting is being celebrated by our government? It seems that hypocrisy of the CA democrats and Arnold is self serving as they know the arab dollars can help their campaigns. No other obvious reason can be surmised. They are digging a grave for our great country by sleeping with the devil.