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Jon Fleischman

Schwarzenegger Opposes Plastic Grocery Bag Tax

Yesterday a furor erupted over a pretty extensive blog post by former MSM reporter turned blogger Greg Lucas, on his California’s Capitol site entitled, Schwarzenegger Administration Floats 25-cent Fee on Single-Use Plastic and Paper Bags.  Lucas is viewed as being a pretty credible writer on the goings-on of California politics.

Well, if there was a trial balloon being floated, consider it popped.  We just got off of the phone with the Gov’s peeps — who confirm that the Governor has not, does not, and will not sign into law a tax on plastic grocery bags.

2 Responses to “Schwarzenegger Opposes Plastic Grocery Bag Tax”

  1. Says:

    With this Governor, you probably need to call his “peeps” at least twice a day, since he abandons his principles several times a day.

    Don’t count on him to veto a bill to tax grocery bags or anything else.

  2. Says:

    Have you noticed all the socialists in the legislature do is play take away proposing punitive measures to modify citizens behavior…free speech, freedom of association, commerce and general liberties.

    Why people vote for these dangerous people makes one pause…could it be Californians are in denial willing to trade freedoms for a place at the feedbag of government.

    Conservative Republicans have a wonderful opportunity of cleaning house in Sacramento AFTER they clean us of all the psuedo Republicans that sell out personal liberties to protect their careers.

    To start the purge….get a candidate who is an American patriot, a true believer in freedom, a true conservative.

    Whitman, Poizner or Campbell will sell you down the river you all know it!!