I got a message from the Voter Registration Chairman for the Orange County Republican Party. She heard about the proposal I have put forward that says Republicans should choose Republican nominees for office. She was confused — she thought we already had that in place. (I can see where it is confusing, as the Presidential primary is open only to registered Republicans, but not the other races). She said that the party’s voter registration booths she encounters a great many people who are seriously thinking about re-registering from Republican to Decline To State. She’s been telling them that they should stay, and trying a number of arguments. But the most powerful and effective one? When she tells them that if they leave the party they can no longer vote in Republican primaries. That has been keeping a great many from leaving. Of course, it’s not true — and now she knows better so she can’t say that anymore. At least not for a few weeks…

August 28th, 2009 at 12:00 am
To my Republican friends: Please, please vote for the Fleischman resolution. It will make us Democrats very, very happy.