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Jon Fleischman

Former Legislator, Conservative Leader Chuck Poochigian Tapped by Arnold for Appeals Court Post

FR readers should be very pleased to learn that yesterday Governor Schwarzenegger appointed conservative leader Chuck Poochigian to serve as a judge on the Fifth District Court of Appeal!  This is great news.

As most know, Poochigian served for many many years in the California legislature, distinguishing himself as a legislator who understood and respected the limited role for government that was envisioned by our Founding Fathers.  Prior to serving in the State Senate and State Assembly, Poochigian served in the administration of Governor Pete Wilson — he served as Judicial Appointments Secretary (a small world, indeed).

We always add that it is a mixed blessing when conservative leaders are appointed to the bench.  Of course it is great for the state, and for those who believe that we should have judges who enforce the laws of the land, as opposed to making the laws.  But this also takes Pooch off of the "political field of play" as it is traditional and expected for judges to be non-political.  The good news is that Debbie, Chuck’s wife, is serving in her first term on the Fresno County Board of Supervisors and will hold up the political torch for the family.

Poochigian was recommended for appointment by a host of well respected judges, and was given a rating of "WQ" (well qualified) by the Central Valley Judicial Selection Advisory Committee.

So congratulations go out to Chuck Poochigian from all of us here at the FlashReport — and, of course, we would also like to praise the Governor for making a fine selection!

One Response to “Former Legislator, Conservative Leader Chuck Poochigian Tapped by Arnold for Appeals Court Post”

  1. Says:

    Great News, and Well Deserved ! A truly qualified Justice.

    Suggestion: during the 2010 primary season, GOP candidates for Governor
    should be asked if Appeals Court Justice Chuck Poochigian is the kind of
    person they’d choose to fill the next State Supreme Court Vacancy?