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Barry Jantz

AD 77 Getting Crowded: Jeff Kover Jumps In

FlashReport Exclusive…

Let’s see, I wrote previously that Joel Anderson had yet to say he’s not runing for re-election to his 77th Assemby District seat next year, resulting in FR honcho Jon Fleischman calling it quaint that I would even doubt Joel isn’t running for Senate in the 36th (Hollingsworth, currently).  Quaint.

Of course, I didn’t say I doubted it, I simply said Joel hadn’t officially done anything, like file paperwork.

So, speaking of filing paperwork, in this case for an open 77th, we have another candidate to go along with Christine Rubin (see FR post), Brian Jones and Bill Wells.

Former Cajon Valley Schools Trustee let me know a short time ago that he submitted paperwork today to run.  Here’s what he has to say…

I am pleased to announce that I will be seeking the nomination of the Republican Party for the 77th Assembly Seat should Joel Anderson decide not to run.  I have been a resident of East County for 20 years and look forward to hitting the streets to better understand the message that our neighbors want to send to Sacramento.

Kover has been an educator for the last twenty-two years in East and South San Diego County, teaching at all levels from Elementary to High School.  He is currently a Charter High School administrator (Steele Canyon).  Jeff was on the Cajon Valley Union School District  Governing Board from 2000 – 2008, serving as president, vice president, and clerk during his tenure.  In addition, he was a member of the San Diego County School Boards Association.

He holds a Masters Degree in Education Administration from San Diego State University.  Kover has been married for 23 years and has three children.

Any quaint guesses on how many folks get in before Anderson files paperwork for anything?


11 Responses to “AD 77 Getting Crowded: Jeff Kover Jumps In”

  1. Says:

    It’s going to get much more crowded (4+) before this is all over.

  2. Says:

    I have known Jeff Kover for some time and he is by far the most qualified candidate yet to file papers to run.

  3. Says:

    Perhaps so many candidates are running because Joel Anderson has been an utter failure in changing Sacramento?

    Or perhaps they’re running because Joel Anderson did NOTHING to stop his buddy Mike Villines from jacking up our taxes!

    Now that’s leadership!

  4. Says:


    I ran one of the primary campaigns against Anderson, so I’m hardly his mouthpiece.

    Please explain how exactly Assemblyman Anderson was to ‘change’ Sacramento. He’s been a very conservative vote, and has raised a ton of money for other conservative candidates. Instead of just flapping you gums please offer details.

    Anderson also voted AGAINST the new taxes. Please explain what you mean by him doing ‘nothing’ to stop Villines, and exactly how he was to have done so.

    If you cant explain, in detail, what you mean I suggest you go back to your garage and yell at the kids walking across your lawn.

    Duane Dichiara

  5. Says:

    I’m very disappointed in Larry’s comments regarding Assemblyman Joel Anderson. Joel has been one of the few republican assemblymen that have worked tirelessly to move a conservative agenda in an assembly that is ruled with an iron fist by liberal democrats.

    Instead of throwing rocks at an assemblyman that truly has represented East County’s interests; you should be spending your time supporting him.

    Larry, try lifting people up instead of tearing people down. Assemblyman Anderson is a good man, we are lucky to have him.

  6. Says:

    sorry Larry, I was talking to Rich

  7. Says:

    Thanks Nathan. I am a big supporter of Joel and we will miss him in the 77th.

  8. Says:

    Maybe I’ll throw my hat in the ring for this race. Barry, can I use your address?

  9. Says:

    What’s that sucking noise I hear? Oh, it’s Mr. Dichiara’s lips deeply submerged in Joel Anderson’s posterior.

    Joel Anderson knew his leadership surrendered on taxes. He knew it! So where was he to stop it? Instead he let taxpayers get shafted. Anderson is just another shill for all you political whores in Sacramento.

    Republicans don’t let Republicans vote for taxes; and that’s why you’re losing.

    Mr. Dichiara after losing every campaign you ran in my county last year, don’t you think you should be more careful on what lawn you urinate? Thanks for inviting this old codger to voice his anger somewhere else.

  10. Says:

    Jeff is an outstanding candidate and will provide great input on education and issues facing the disabled community. He is honest and hard working.

  11. Says:

    Try reading what Duane Dichiara wrote, Mr. Parry. He worked for a RIVAL candi-
    date in that district in 2006, and has no reason to carry anyone’s water.

    Duane Dichiara’s many local victories include Shirley Horton, Martin Garrick,
    Kevin Faulconer, Brian Bilbray and Mark Wyland… all of San Diego county.

    Assemblyman Joel Anderson spoke out against Prop. 1A and voted against
    Tax Increases. That is just the kind of thing he promised to do when elected.
    He has kept faith with those promises.

    What color is the Sky in your world, Mr. Parry?