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Jon Fleischman

Fiorina Takes First Official Step In U.S. Senate Bid; Wilson-Miller Retained

Today Carly Fiorina, the former Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett Packard, announced that she has filed the name, "Carly for California," with the IRS — which is the very, very first thing that you do if you are looking to run for federal office.  Fiorina, who was very visible on the stump for the Presidential campaign of United States Senator John McCain last year, has been talking to people about a potential bid for the U.S. Senate seat currently occupied by ultra-liberal Barbara Boxer for some time now.  Fiorina held a slew of meetings at last February’s State GOP convention.  Shortly afterwards, however, she began treatments as she had been diagnosed with breast cancer.  Sources assure us that she is almost completed with those treatments, and is still very focused on exploring a bid for the Senate, hence this announcement.

About her taking this first step, Fiorina (pictured left) had this to say in a prepared release:  “The people of California have serious concerns about job creation, economic growth and the role of government in solving problems that touch each of our lives,” said Fiorina.  “I have received a great deal of encouragement to make a run for the Senate in 2010 from people across the political spectrum because these are all issues that need focused attention in Washington, D.C.  Today’s filing with the IRS is a logical next step in the process of evaluating running for this office.  I’m looking forward to talking with Californians across the state about the issues that matter to all of us in the weeks and months ahead."

Newsworthy for California politicos was that the point of contact for the release was none other than longtime FR friend Beth Miller, of Wilson Miller Communications.  So I picked up the phone and called Beth, who confirmed for me that her firm had been retained to handle communications issues for Fiorina’s efforts, and that she would be serving as a primary spokesperson for the Fiorina.  Miller’s really good at that, so I am sure that the Senatorial aspirant will be quite pleased with her decision. 

Miller has an impressive rusume as a political consultant, which you can peruse here.  She was an aide to both former Governor Pete Wilson as well as to former Secretary of State Bill Jones.  The "Wilson" in Wilson Miller Communications is Marty Wilson, also a veteran of many, many campaigns.  According to Miller, both will be very engaged in this effort.

Miller (pictured right) had this to say about her new position with Fiorina’s exploration of a Senate bid:  “Carly is one of the most courageous people I’ve met. She’s a self-made woman whose hard work and leadership skills set her apart as a pioneering business leader who’s been successful at each and every step in her career. I’m confident she would successfully represent the people of California should she decide to run and I’m honored and pleased to provide my professional expertise to her as she explores the possibility of running for the US Senate.”

You can read more about Fiorina on the website of Carly Fiorina Enterprises here.

Already in the GOP race for U.S. Senate in 2010 is veteran GOP Assemblyman and longtime conservative activist Chuck DeVore.

2 Responses to “Fiorina Takes First Official Step In U.S. Senate Bid; Wilson-Miller Retained”

  1. Says:

    Do we have another Meg-lite candidate for Senate?

    Chuck DeVore is the candidate who can beat Boxer and I don’t care what Hugh Hewitt says!

  2. Says:

    Hugh Hewitt is RINO apologist extraordinaire. Chuck has the message and grassroots support to win the GOP nomination.