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Barry Jantz

The Money Story in SD 36? Perhaps.

A few Republicans may be lining up to run in the 77th Assembly District next year, all anticipating the spot may be open, yet incumbent Joel Anderson is still mum on his plans to run for senate instead of re-election.

What is known is that the 36th Senate seat is indeed open, as Dennis Hollingsworth is term-limited out.

Speaking of anticipation, then, much of it centers on a potential match-up between Anderson and Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone in a senate seat roughly 2/3 San Diego and 1/3 Riverside counties.

Stone is already in, no question.  Okay then, if Anderson does run, what does the current money situation look like, comparing their respective state committees?…

Total Funds Raised (Jan-June 2009)
Anderson – $355,767
Stone – $242,077

Total Cash on Hand (June 30)
Anderson – $443,501
Stone – $209,026

If Anderson enters the senate race, FR readers will be among the first to know.


7 Responses to “The Money Story in SD 36? Perhaps.”

  1. Says:

    Barry, I think it is very generous of you to maintain for Joel some quaint fiction that he is not quite yet running for the Senate belies your status as one of his best friends. But FR readers should be clear on this, Anderson is “all in” for a hearfelt run for the State Senate.

  2. Says:

    Jon, if true, my last sentence stands as is. FR readers are indeed among the first to know.

  3. Says:

    Joel’s run for the Senate isn’t news. His “formal” announcement, when it comes, will not be “news” per se.

    Now some real breaking news for FR readers would be you opening a committee to run for the 77th. Jantz for Assembly — has a nice ring to it!

  4. Says:

    Anderson may not officially be in the senate race but has already posted twice as much available cash as Stone. A county supervisor should be doing far better, but Stone’s disappointing fundraising may be directly attributed to all the articles documenting how he funneled over $300,000 in campaign funds to his sister. A couple:

    Clearly this new campaign creates another payday opportunity for the brother & sister act. I wonder how many additional dopey donors are going to get ripped off this time? Stone and his crooked cronies are the reason the Republican Party is failing. First we had Duke Cunningham and now this yahoo.

  5. Says:

    brian jones would be a great choice for the 77th

  6. Says:

    We have been spoiled in the 77th for the last 10 years. Six years of Jay LaSuer and now four years of Joel Anderson. So far none of the announced candidates are in that league and a couple of them are yes men rather than leaders. Jon is right. The best candidate period would be Barry Jantz.

  7. Says:

    Gentlemen, while I appreciate the sentiments, this post was not about me, and technically it wasn’t really so much about the 77th. But, since kudos are being paid to 10 years of the last two incumbents, it should be noted that prior to that we also had six years of Steve Baldwin, not exactly a slouch. One has to go back to 1991 to find a GOPer in the 77th that supported higher taxes as a supposed way out of a state budget mess.