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Jon Fleischman

Adams Recall Website Revamped — Now Includes Taxe Hike Calculator

I got a heads up that the campaign to recall Assemblyman Anthony Adams has launched a 2.0 version of their website, which you can check out here.  By far, the most powerful part of the redesigned website is the Adams Tax Hike Calculator.  I went onto it and filled in the various blanks and was able to see exactly how much more in taxes I am paying because of the vote of Adams and the five other Republicans who joined with all of the Democrats in the legislature to pass that massive tax increase last February (you remember, the tax increase that hit us all hard in the pocket, yet did absolutely nothing to solve our budget woes).

Anyways, how much did that tax increase cost YOUR FAMILY?  Check it out.

The tragedy of that budget "deal" still makes me ill.  When GOP resolve fails, taxpayers pay the price.

One Response to “Adams Recall Website Revamped — Now Includes Taxe Hike Calculator”

  1. Says:

    Remember the 300? RINOS are struggling to be brave to about 20 in Sacramento.

    This is no game anymore.

    California is far past the tipping point having more nonproducers on aide programs or working mediocre service positions vs the declining producers in innovation and manufacturing jobs. The drop out rate in school of at least 25% coupled with a huge inmigration of undereducated/language challenged immigrants adds to the state’s productivity morass.

    Californians have survied living off cash flow while servicing huge credit card payments, for their hourly wage have fallen, fallen, fallen over time due to the enviro freaks and government commissars piling on legislation, administrative rulings and capricious regulations driving out real jobs with real benefits and health care from California. Also, globalists and adjacent state recruiters lick their chops taking our capital, educated and rich seniors.

    Since when are jobs stocking shelves or working banquets in a seedy tourist area hotel or in a cubicle ironing your purple government union t-shirt.

    Republicans must search for answers to California’s propenisty to attract nonproducers….there has to be solutions other than the approximately brave 20 in the legislature always saying NADA without concrete programs other than tax cuts to raise productivity….hint….service workers and the poor do not pay taxes …dah!!!! and they are not ashamed to vote in mass for tangible and expensive big government help.

    The cycle will continue downward, for I truly believe RINOS have no ideas, no guts, only a failing party platform to paint an illusionary facade raising funds for the inept Republican Party industrial complex from citizen saps when some of us know the name of the game is keep party insider jobs…as professional political losers at all costs.