Steve Poizner is by far the most compelling candidate for Governor in either party and I wholeheartedly support his candidacy to be our party’s nominee in June 2010. Furthermore, I am anxious to actively campaign for Steve because he specializes in exactly what our state and our party need – solutions.
Steve spent his career in Silicon Valley creating jobs and building businesses, but most importantly he spent his career finding ways to make things work better. Steve is the man who engineered the technology to put GPS in cell phones, which is now the industry standard in 700 million cell phones worldwide. When he gets to Sacramento, he will be the Governor who puts a GPS tracker on every taxpayer dollar being spent by the Legislature, so you know where your money is going. Steve is the conservative candidate in this race and will offer the conservative solutions that our state so desperately need to move forward.
I know this because Steve has already proven his conservative credentials at his post as Insurance Commissioner. Steve Poizner is the only candidate running for Governor who has actually cut waste from state government, and when he is elected Governor he’ll deliver results. In fact, during his time at the Department of Insurance, Poizner has cut almost 15% of the department’s budget. No other candidate in our own party can claim to have achieved this, and as we all know, no one on the Democratic side would even pretend to have accomplished such results.
Campaigns are always full of platitudes and promises to “blow up the boxes” or to “run California like an online auction website”, but I have seen what happens when the Republican Party buys into the empty promises mouthed by inexperienced candidates. Our party needs a leader in Sacramento who has a proven track record of achieving results, not another rookie who thinks a run for Governor is a fun career move.
Certainly, as a party, we have learned our lesson. We must choose to make this election in 2010 different than the recall election of 2003. I know that the choice for me is clear, Steve Poizner is the candidate with the conservative credentials and entrepreneurial bona fides necessary to rebuild this state and our party. Join me over the next year as I campaign and fight for the conservative principles I believe in and the conservative candidate who can deliver – Steve Poizner.