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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

The Stupidity of the CTA Cannot Be Underestimated

Is it just me, or is the California Teachers Association just a body of ignorant fools?  They are running ads against the Governor for "cutting education spending".  I guess the same people who fail to teach our kids to read shouldn’t be faulted for not reading themselves, so let me help.  California is out of money.  This has been in the news now for a couple of years now, in case they missed it.

The CTA demands to be "repaid" $12 billion that they are "owed" in Prop 98 money even though public school enrollment is plummeting and the increased spending on public education since Prop 98 passed has produced almost no improvement in public education. But hey, we’ve go the highest paid teachers in the nation now!

Republicans have nothing to lose by ridiculing this band of intellectually dishonest union leaders and exposing them for what they are – an interest group that is bleeding the State dry without getting the results we need for all the extra money we’ve already invested in the black hole of public education.

One Response to “The Stupidity of the CTA Cannot Be Underestimated”

  1. Says:

    Well said Mike! These union thugs are one of the many reasons that California has a continual deficit year after year.

    In addition to stupid and ignorant, the word shameless should also be added to describe them. They shamelessly hide behind schoolchildren to further their organization financially.