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Duane Dichiara

Rigging the System in San Diego?

In November 2008 television personality Marti "Troubleshooter" Emerald was narrowly elected to the San Diego City Council. The campaign had largely been waged over Emerald’s propensity to tell voters one thing, then get herself recorded telling her supporters the opposite.

This morning the San Diego Union Tribune broke the story that Emerald (1) is under investigation by the San Diego City Ethics Commission; (2) nominated a paid campaign worker to the Ethics Commission – a nominee that in fact might have been able to influence the investigation against Emerald. Under media scrutiny, and open pressure from her shocked Democrat and Republican peers, she withdrew the nomination Thursday. Emerald has yet to inform the public about the details of the ethics investigation.

The article speaks for itself: Emerald Pulls Ethics Panel Pick.

One Response to “Rigging the System in San Diego?”

  1. Says:

    doesn’t one have to fill out paper work to go with this nomination? aren’t political folks aware of who runs in the political circles?

    come on. sanders team went right along with this. talk about asleep at the wheel.