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Bill Leonard

Poizner calls for tax cuts

Today, I am particularly proud of the candidate that I support for Governor – Steve Poizner.  Steve was the only candidate running for Governor, from either party, who attended the meeting of Commission on the 21st Century Economy in San Francisco. The commission is responsible for reforming California’s tax system.
After the meeting, Steve released a statement saying, “…there is one thing that is already very clear to me: we need to cut taxes in California.  There is no better way to create jobs and grow the economy than through a tax cut and this will be a cornerstone of my campaign for governor.”
I could not agree more.  Increased taxes will not stimulate economic growth and they will not solve the budget crisis created by the irresponsible spending by the state.
Steve spent years creating jobs as an entrepreneur in the Silicon Valley and he is the only candidate running for governor who has actually cut waste from the state budget — almost 15% at the Department of Insurance. I know that he is prepared to use his unique experience to tackle the tough issues and I cannot wait to vote for him in our primary next June.

One Response to “Poizner calls for tax cuts”

  1. Says:

    Why….why do we keep trotting out want-to-be politicans with dumb ideas that appear to sound appealing to the gullible party faithful…..Poizner…lower taxes when it ain’t gonna happen ever…..Whitman… I will lay off 30,000 purple shirts…..fat chance…Campbell….trust me, I have experience selling you out, for only moderates can win in California….

    Same old dance….motivate the base, clean their pockets out, lose the election….come on….we can do better…

    Demographics are against you want-to-bees. The days of not working in the trenches, building grass roots, supporting conservative local candidates over a considerable amount of time are not over….only Campbell, Poizner and Whitman think you can come over the top with money and fancy endorsements to win state wide offices….save your money….Jerry Brown is your next governor.