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Barry Jantz

Steve Danon: “I’m 100 percent in.”

Just call this the follow-up to the follow-up on the breaking FlashReport news about Steve Danon’s foray into the 3rd District County Supervisorial race.

I just got off the phone with Danon.

The significant question, of course, was not whether he’s taken steps to run (which he clearly has — see the post of yesterday), it’s whether he will stay in, even if incumbent Supervisor Pam Slater-Price runs for a sixth term in 2012.  Given her office’s comment earlier today that Danon told them he would only run if Slater-Price does not, as well as the clear ‘and she IS running’ statement, this story might have been short-lived.

But — and I mean that — here’s what Danon had to say:

"They misunderstood. I’m 100 percent in. I’m hearing from a lot of folks, who have encouraged me to run, that 20 years on the Board of Supervisors is more than enough."

Well, I would say that seems to clear things up pretty nicely.  

Can you say dust-up?  How about donnybrook?  And, we all thought presidential races started early.

UPDATE: The UT polblog picks up the story, and gives credit to the FlashReport with a link to this post.

UPDATE 2: Slater-Price’s chief of staff reponds.