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Barry Jantz

SD Supervisor Slater-Price: Every Intention to Run Again

As a follow up to my breaking news post of yesterday, regarding Steve Danon filing paperwork to run for County Supervisor, current 3rd District officeholder and board vice-chair Pam Slater-Price’s office does have a comment.  From John Weil, the supervisor’s chief of staff…

Vice Chairwoman Pam Slater-Price is not leaving office. She has no plans to leave, has not discussed leaving and has never mentioned leaving. She has every intention of running in 2012.

I am aware that another candidate has pulled papers. He told me directly – and the supervisor today – that he will not run against her. He will run if the seat is open.

Vice Chairwoman Pam Slater-Price is running in 2012.

Thank you.

John C. Weil
Chief of Staff,

Supervisor Pam Slater-Price

P.S. – We are only seven months into our term!