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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Poizner’s Water Policy Is Solid

Steve Poizner, whom I have endorsed for Governor, traveled to the Central Valley yesterday and presented his water policy plan that calls for bold and immediate action to be taken in an effort to bring water to the Central Valley.  In his call for increased recognition of this crisis, Steve sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and demanded that she introduce legislation before Congress to help resolve this issue.  If you live in the Central Valley, as I do, then you’re all too familiar with the current water problem. Congress refuses to make the needs of Californians a priority and has allowed out of control regulations to hurt our farmers, businesses, and citizens.
Steve Poizner understands that the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. don’t know what’s best for the people of the Central Valley. It’s the local residents and farmers who know what’s best for their land and their livelihoods. That’s why Steve presented a plan that includes bold solutions for the immediate future and comprehensive long-term solutions for the years to come.
The most reasonable and immediate solution proposed by Poizner is for Congress to, “provide a more flexible application of the Endangered Species Act during times of drought emergency in California, ensuring the free flow of water to those who desperately need it.” The truth is that the Democrats in Congress, led by Nancy Pelosi, are refusing to take action on the Endangered Species Act. So Steve took action yesterday by sending a letter to Speaker Pelosi demanding that she show her commitment to representing the people of California by solving our water crisis and amending the Endangered Species Act.
Outrageously, Speaker Pelosi voted for similar legislation when New Mexico faced drought conditions and now she refuses to support legislation for her own constituents in California! She even went so far as to deny Rep. Devin Nunes the ability to have his legislation considered on the floor of the House!   How can California’s top representative in the House be so obstructive to the will of her own constituents and the best interests of her State?
Steve Poizner’s letter to Speaker Pelosi gets straight to the point, he says, “In 2004, following a drought in New Mexico, you voted for legislation that included provisions effectively exempting water projects in that state from the requirements of the Endangered Species Act.  Members of the California delegation have introduced similar legislation for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, but you have refused to even put the issue to a vote.”
When you drive around the Valley you will often see signs on the side of the road that say, “Congress Created Dust Bowl.” I couldn’t agree more. It’s time for the people of California and the residents of the Central Valley to take a stand against regulations from Washington, D.C. Join me as I stand with Steve Poizner, the candidate I support for Governor, as we fight for California’s farmers and stand against Nancy Pelosi.  

Sign this petition and tell Nancy Pelosi that enough is enough.

3 Responses to “Poizner’s Water Policy Is Solid”

  1. Says:

    Why doesn’t Steve Poizner just bankroll another California Water Project?

    And is he advocating massive new state expenditures to subsidize private water suppliers?

    Water isn’t a fish vs. jobs debate. It’s how to use the supplies we have most efficiently. Does it really make sense to pipe water into a desert to grow alfalfa? These are the kinds of questions that we should be answering.

  2. Says:

    Thanks for commenting without reading Steve’s water plan first. If you had cracked his plan before commenting, you would have discovered that his water plan involves utilizing existing allocations. In fact, his plan addresses every point you made more effectively than I could. Steve’s plan answers the questions you suggest that we should be answering.

  3. Says:

    Why would I care about water plans, when I know Steve Poizner is a gun grabber (or hasn’t said anything to stop that from bein assumed)?

    CA gunnies will NOT support Steve Poizner – and Whitman and Campbell are equally bad on RKBA.

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA