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Barry Jantz

Breaking: Nothing like an Early Start – Steve Danon for SD County Supervisor

Steve Danon, the longtime San Diego politico and chief of staff to Congressman Brian Bilbray, has taken the first official step to run for the third district County Supervisorial seat, held the last 16-plus years by Pam Slater-Price.

Danon filed a Candidate Intention Form 501 with the Registrar of Voters on July 10, giving him the ability to raise campaign funds.  A voice mail has also been established, with Steve’s friendly voice greeting callers (I may be among the first) with, "Thanks for calling Steve Danon for County Supervisor" and directing folks to  The crisp-looking website includes links to his Facebook and Twitter pages.

Danon, a self-described moderate, has been a force in the area political scene and GOP circles for over two decades.  He previously served as chief of staff to County Supervisor Ron Roberts, and ran for San Diego City Council in 2001, a barn-burner won by Donna Frye.  

Although there has been "talk" of Danon running for Supervisor, this concrete early action — given Slater-Price’s current fifth term doesn’t end until 2012 — does beg some questions.  The obvious first one, of course, has Pam determined she won’t run for a sixth term?

I have a call into Steve.  I’ll tweet him while I’m at it.

2 Responses to “Breaking: Nothing like an Early Start – Steve Danon for SD County Supervisor”

  1. Says:

    VoiceofSanDiego picks it up:

    Next Up for ‘Supe’ Run: Danon

    Brian Bilbray’s chief of staff Steve Danon has taken the first step to run for the County Board of Supervisors in the 3rd district.

    According to FlashReport, Danon filed a candidate intention form with the registrar of voters last week, allowing him to begin raising campaign money for the 2012 race. He’s also set up a website. The third district seat is currently held by Pam Slater-Price, who hasn’t said she won’t seek another term.

    Danon has served as chief of staff for county Supervisor Ron Roberts and ran against Donna Frye for a seat on the City Council in 2001.


  2. Says:

    As a follow up to my breaking news post of yesterday, regarding Steve Danon filing paperwork to run for County Supervisor, current 3rd District officeholder and board vice-chair Pam Slater-Price’s office does have a comment. From John Weil, the supervisor’s chief of staff…

    “Vice Chairwoman Pam Slater-Price is not leaving office. She has no plans to leave, has not discussed leaving and has never mentioned leaving. She has every intention of running in 2012.

    “I am aware that another candidate has pulled papers. He told me directly – and the supervisor today – that he will not run against her. He will run if the seat is open.

    “Vice Chairwoman Pam Slater-Price is running in 2012.

    “Thank you.”

    John C. Weil
    Chief of Staff,
    Supervisor Pam Slater-Price

    “P.S. – We are only seven months into our term!”