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Jon Fleischman

State GOP Launches New Video – “Get Serious”

The California Republican Party today released a new web ad entitled "Get Serious." The web ad highlights the status of the state budget crisis and displays Democrat leaders Karen Bass, Darrell Steinberg, Noreen Evans, Lori Saldana, and Isadore Hall, in their own words demonstrating their out-of-touch and insincere approach to the state’s budget problem.

Democrat leaders in Sacramento have shown a startling lack of accountability and flippant attitude regarding the tough decisions lawmakers must make. Conversely, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Republican lawmakers have stood up for California by pressing for a comprehensive solution to the budget crisis, that does not increase the economic burden on our already struggling California families.

One Response to “State GOP Launches New Video – “Get Serious””

  1. Says:

    And this is the same Republican Party that supported financially the passing of 1A and Commissar Arnold’s folley into RED UTOPIA. At least the Democrats are always unabashed socialists and proud of ripping tax payers with impunity…..what would you call the Republican Party that supported TWO MORE YEARS of crushing taxes in the multi billions for the productive people still left in this ravaged state….hmmm. so don’t get your nickers rumpled over a promo ad by Republicans looking to line their political coffers for the next RINO flip flop.