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Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Speaker Bass Has to Go !

Speaker Bass has to go!

California’s budget crisis cannot be solved until those responsible are removed from leadership. Last February the “big five’ leaders from both parties in both houses plus the Governor, rammed down billions in new taxes and put to vote more billions on the May 19th ballot. That didn’t work.

Everyone knows the new taxes didn’t resolve the budget gap and the voters in a 2-1 vote scuttled the new new tax increases.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Speaker Bass Has to Go !”

  1. Says:

    Finally one of the “boys” has the guts to tell it like it is…Bass is the worst legislator and leader in California political history…she had to get a degree from UCLA via mail order. no other way……this state is loaded with political hacks….she is the worst!

  2. Says:

    Let’s face facts, Bass, like so many Senators and Assemblycritters in the Capitol, if they did not have their little government job– they would be welfare recipients. Worthless people, screwing up the private sector, unable to produce anything of use…if the Dems had any common sense they should have booted their leadership on May 20

  3. Says:

    Shawn: Good post!

    Yes, Karen Bass MUST go!