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BOE Member George Runner

Study finds AB 32 will cause substantial and significant job loss, increase in business taxes and burdens

Nothing surprises me anymore.  Including the findings from a recent study that shows AB 32 (the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006) will impose staggering costs on California families, workers and small businesses.

The study, conducted by Sanjay Varshney, dean at Sac State’s College of Business Administration, finds that when the plan is fully implemented, "California families will be facing increased annual costs of $3,857 …"

Let me repeat that: Your family and mine will shell out an additional Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Seven Dollars annually. How many families are in the position to bear the burden of such a substantial increase in living expenses? Not many. Furthermore, how many families are willing to spend money on a law like AB 32 that is founded on mythical claims?

The study also found that California’s job loss will top one million and the total gross state output by small businesses will decrease by 10 percent. In other words, AB 32 gives small business one more reason to leave California into the waiting arms of Arizona, Nevada, Texas and other states whose business development leaders have an eye on building fiscally sound communities.

By the way, Varshnay’s study findings are consistent with the Peer Review analysis commissioned by CARB, the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) review of the Scoping Plan and an analysis conducted by the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC).

While I continue to dispute global warming theories, I do strongly believe we should take care of the environment in a responsible manner — and that includes balancing our economy and the livelihoods of Californians with our endeavors to mitigate enviromental damage. AB 32 is neither balanced nor responsible. 

3 Responses to “Study finds AB 32 will cause substantial and significant job loss, increase in business taxes and burdens”

  1. Says:

    The timing may be right for an initiative to repeal this ill-conceived disaster.

  2. Says:

    I second that motion. This may be the first Senator Runner initiative I would support.

    We need to create jobs and bring back opportunity to California.

  3. Says:

    Where do I sign?