Last week the San Francisco Chronicle published a story in which they “broke the story” that former Hewlett Packard Chief Operating Officer and ersatz United States Senator Carly Fiorina may not have complied with required government filings concerning two business entities which she owns – Carly Fiorina Enterprises and the Fiorina Foundation.
Fiorina, who has been prepping behind the scenes for a run for the Republican nomination for United States Senate next year – even as she undergoes treatments for breast cancer – was quick to respond to the allegations through her spokesman and Chief of Staff Deborah Bowker. Bowker contacted me with the following statement…

Regarding Carly Fiorina Enterprises (CFE), like many small business owners, she is a sole proprietor and files her taxes as such in the state of California. State registration is not required as CFE is not a separate legal entity. Regarding the Fiorina Family Foundation, it is not a private foundation and there are no required legal filings with the State of California or the IRS.
Ms. Fiorina makes contributions to a donor advised fund account, which she established through a tax exempt public charity registered with the IRS and in good standing in the State of California that acts as a Sponsoring Organization.
Ms. Fiorina retains the right to suggest that charitable grants be made from her donor advised fund account, which is titled Fiorina Family Foundation, to other qualified public charities throughout the United States.
Any implication that she is not in compliance with California or Federal law is false.
The San Francisco Chronicle followed up on their original article with a second article, which reflects Fiorina’s response. The article also says that Attorney General Jerry Brown will be nosing into the matter. How wonderful – not. Brown is hardly an unbiased player here, given his strong support for incumbent U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer.
This matter will sort itself out in short order – but, in general, I find this whole issue to be a big distraction. I find it obnoxious that private business people in this country, which is supposed to be about freedom and liberty, have to jump through all kinds of government hoops in order to spend their own money.
If Fiorina does enter into the fray, she will have plenty of opportunity to discuss the things that do matter as her road to a seat in the U.S. Senate would require her to first win a contested GOP primary against Assemblyman Chuck DeVore — before taking on an extremely well-funded incumbent in the general election. Those debates, on issues that matter, are what I will look forward to hearing. Not a likely-irrelevant side-story like this one.
Well, Fiorina can certainly take on less from this episode – which is that the main stream media will be relentless in their aggressive attacks on her – welcome to life as a Republican looking for a run at public office!
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