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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Greenwashing Backfies! “Eco-Friendly” Reusable Grocery Bags Are Loaded With Germs!

Last year I penned a column about “Greenwashing” where I highlighted companies like Whole Food Markets who, undoubtedly using survey data showing that some consumers really want to try to be more conscious of the environment and our ecology in their day to day living, promote themselves as being “green” through gimmicks. 

In the case of Whole Foods, I lambasted them for their move from regular plastic grocery bags to new “reusable” cloth bags – since there was plenty of scientific data out there to show that this did not achieve real gains in terms of being more conscious of the environment, but certainly made potential Whole Foods customers “feel good” – which was their intention.

I have been meaning to circle back around to this topic again ever since I read about a new study out of Canada out about those “eco-friendly” reusable bags…  Guess what?  They can make you sick – literally!

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Greenwashing Backfies! “Eco-Friendly” Reusable Grocery Bags Are Loaded With Germs!”

  1. Says:

    It is all about HOPE AND CHANGE…if ya feel good it must be good… have to HAVE SKIN IN THE GAME….these whack jobs want to limit your tv purchases, the air you breathe while killing babies is noble….go figure!

  2. Says:

    Jon, I like Whole Foods, but I disagree with some of their policies like the sack controversy. Right before this forced change came they asked the question, paper or plastic, and of course pushed the paper in such a way that most choose it. I would always reply, hey, I’m old enough to remember when we were tryin to save the trees, what happened to that? The youngster at the register would stand all doe-eyed and confused.

    We embraced a new method of using plastic, away from the use of paper and of what we had done for many years only to find they now again don’t like it. And now we find it is unsafe and unsanitary? Why does this not surprise me? Was there any thought towards creating this nightmare, or just another “feel good” movement? Of course we know the answer. Just like the water bottle issue. They now want us to stop drinking bottled water. My husband is on the road all day. Are they suggesting he pour tap water into some type of contaniner which sits and stews all day? Puleaaase, studies have all ready been done on that and they showed the reuse of those bottles is filthy and germ ridden. Hey, in this day and age of trying to stay ahead of the next swine flu, we’ll choose health and safety over fake feel good movements.