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Jon Fleischman

BREAKING: George Runner Stepping Down As Chairman of Senate Republican Caucus

Earlier this week, State Senator George Runner made an announcement to his fourteen Senate Republican Colleagues — after four and a half years as Chairman of the Senate Republican Caucus, through multiple Leaders, he would at the end of this month be stepping aside from his leadership post.

I had a chance to speak with Senator Runner last evening about his decision, and he was very candid and straightforward about his reason for stepping down…  Runner is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the State Board of Equalization seat currently held by conservative Bill Leonard.  Leonard is precluded from seeking re-election due to term limits.  Runner will be in a contested primary with fellow State Senator Roy Ashburn (whom FR readers will remember rather famously provided a deciding vote to massively raise incomes, sales and the car tax last February) and two former Assemblymembers — Barbara Alby (who serves as Leonard’s Chief Deputy) and Alan Nakanishi.

"Serving as Chairman of the Senate Caucus has been an honor — and I have had an opportunity to work with some great, talented leaders," Runner told me.  Of course I will continue to be an active and engaged member of our caucus as we deal with the state budget crisis and other critical matters, but it seems appropriate that we have a Caucus Chairman who also having to focus a lot of time on a run for higher office, as well as working to qualify and pass a statewide ballot measure."

Runner, as FR readers will recall, is the proponent of a ballot measure that, among other things, would require voters to show a photo identification when they cast their ballots.

Runner’s resignation as leader becomes effective at the end of the month.  Undoubtedly jockeying is already underway within the caucus as to who will replace Runner.  We try not to blog on those kinds of internal politics here on FR, except on rare occasions.

That said, we do wonder if one upside for Runner will perhaps be a larger office.  You see, former Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill, presumably as a "gracious gift" from Senate President Darrell Steinberg for his strong support for the February big taxes/big budget/open primary deal, was given the larger office that had been the traditional office of the Republican Caucus Chairman — and Runner was summarily moved to one of the most tiny Senate offices in the Capitol.  Because of this, invariably the Runner’s successor has a bigger office than does Runner.  I’m sure he would be happy to switch!