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Jon Fleischman

Poizner 2 – Brown 0

Team Poizner scored another point yesterday against Jerry Brown in the already hot campaign for Governor in 2010.

A month ago, when press reports surfaced that Brown had accepted campaign contributions from two men that his office was investigating, Steve Poizner stepped up and called Brown out on his questionable ethical compass. Poizner immediately called for Brown to do the responsible thing and return the campaign contributions.

In classic Jerry Brown fashion, Brown blatantly refused to return the money and even characterized Poizner’s suggestion that he do so as “the silliest thing I’ve ever heard” and “pathetic.” Yesterday, when Brown dropped the news that he would, in fact, return the money, Team Poizner was quick to make sure that Brown ate his words. The campaign’s rapid response operation sent around this YouTube of Brown refusing to return the money a month ago and noted that, “Jerry Brown seems to have changed his mind on what “silly” and “pathetic” mean.”

It’s good to know that someone out there is actually making an attempt to keep Jerry Brown honest. On top of Team Poizner’s Happy 40th Anniversary press release to Jerry Brown, this brings the score up to Poizner 2 – Brown 0.