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Jon Fleischman

Assembly Democrats So Well Represented (Not)

The Sacramento Bee has reported that Democrat Assembly Speaker Karen Bass boycotted this morning’s Big 5 budget talks, and that apparently she may do so again this afternoon.

Now if Bass were skipping meetings to object to the closed Big 5 process, and demanding a more open, public process.  Well, that we might applaud.  But guess why Bass skipped this morning’s meeting?  She skipped it because she doesn’t like some of the ideas that are being put on table to try and deal with the state’s fiscal woes.

One hears this and thinks of a little four-year old who pouts because they don’t get there way.

The reality is that Bass and her party have spent California to the brink, and then some.  She could at least be enough of a mature adult to attend the discussions, make the points of her caucus known to the others, and take home relevant information to them.

Way to go, Assembly Democrats — apparently you’ve got "wonderful" representation in your choice for Speaker… NOT!

What does Matt David, the Governor’s Communication Director say about this? 

“Speaker Bass can boycott budget meetings but it will not change the size of our deficit, the amount of cuts necessary, and it will not stop IOU’s from going out. It is in California’s best interest for the Speaker to be engaged in solving our deficit.”

Here, here.

(I guess there is a small chance that, since the Governor has put real pension reform on the table, the the union bosses that control Bass have ordered her not to go…  In which case instead of being a pouting child, she is being an obedient one!)

3 Responses to “Assembly Democrats So Well Represented (Not)”

  1. Says:

    Pension “reform” won’t balance this year’s budget. And besides, voters rejected it overwhelmingly last time Arnold put it on the ballot.

    Speaker Bass is right about focusing on the problem at hand — not Arnold’s attempt to salvage a legacy at the expense of firefighters and peace officers.

  2. Says:

    Nothing says “focusing on the problem at hand” like not showing up to the meeting.

  3. Says:

    Perhaps if they were discussing the deficit instead of Arnold’s lame attempt to forge a legacy the Speaker would be attending.