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Jon Fleischman

Unrest Among Capitol Democrats?

We’ve gotten a lot of "tips" today that there are leadership runs at least being talked about against both Senate President Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker Karen Bass.  I don’t follow the internal politics that take place on the left side of the aisle too closely.  There are those that do, but will they blog about it somewhere?  Who knows.

2 Responses to “Unrest Among Capitol Democrats?”

  1. Says:

    Wow! No intelligence network…too much of a diversion from the country club?

    Again and again Republicans asleep at the switch….researching Republicans is a blood sport with the socialists…….they know every weak RINO, psuedo conservative, hack attorney, lobbyist and those panting for 30 ducats!


  2. Says:

    No such luck Jon, though I’ve lost count of the number of Republican “leaders” in both the Senate and Assembly the last few years.