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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Governor Will Not Sign Legislation Unrelated to Budget Crisis

Today Governor Schwarzenegger was "channeling" Republican Assemblyman Bill Emmerson who has for quite some time now been beating the drum of stopping all other legislative work and focusing exclusively on the budget shortfall (Emmerson had a column on this topic just last weekend published in the Riverside Press Enterprise). Needless to say, until now, Emmerson’s been on a lonely quest — as his legislative colleagues have not been in a hurry to push thousands of pieces through the process while state government is literally going broke. Well, if Emmerson could have hand-picked one politician in the Capitol to agree with him, it would have been Arnold Schwarzenegger. I’m sure Assemblyman Emmerson was smiling as he watched this clip from the Governor’s press conference just a couple of hours ago. We’re smiling — because we agree with Emmerson and Schwarzenegger — it’s time to stop all non-budget related matters, and focus exclusively on a comprehensive solution to the massive shortfall of over $26 billion in this year’s budget.

P.S.  Wouldn’t it be a travesty if during this, National Blueberry Month, the Governor gave a hearty pocket veto to Assemblywoman Fiona Ma’s AB 606 which would create a California Blueberry Commission?