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Jon Fleischman

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Demands Apology From Speaker Bass For Calling Californians Who Oppose Tax Increases “Terrorists”

Today Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association appropriately demanded an apology from Assembly Speaker Karen Bass after she called Californians who oppose tax increases, in a word, "terrorists.

Speaker Bass used that word several times during an interview with the Los Angeles Times.  She said that Republican members of the legislature, "operate under a terrorist threat" and that they are "terrorized" against voting for [taxes]."

Bass mentioned the recall effort being mounted against Assemblyman Anthony Adams by concerned citizens, and went on to say, "I don’t know why we allow that kind of terrorism to exist."

Coupal (pictured) condemned these statements as outrageous — saying, "For the State of California’s Speaker of the Assembly to call the people of California ‘terrorists’ is despicable.  For the highest-ranking member of the California State Assembly to engage in such name-calling is not only a disgrace, but to use a loaded term that has a deeply sensitive meaning to so many people, well, it is completely inappropriate. She owes the people of California an apology.

We here at the FlashReport would be pleased to post up an apology from the Speaker.  You can just email us to it here.

5 Responses to “Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Demands Apology From Speaker Bass For Calling Californians Who Oppose Tax Increases “Terrorists””

  1. Says:

    I’m turning blue, holding my breath.

  2. Says:

    Never internalize your feelings…. Bass got her degree from UCLA via mail order with a major in SOCIALIST STUDIES…she is the worst legislative hack ever elected in California…yeah I said it…..I feel good!!! No hang ups….try it you will like it.

  3. Says:

    “Budget terrorist” has been used for years during budget battles by other elected officials. And it is what it is.

  4. Says:

    Steven M. is SO forgiving. I wonder what he’d be saying if the a right wing politician used such “terrorist” terminology to describe Steve’s fellow leftists’ behavior.

    “High dudgeon” comes to mind.

  5. Says:

    What do you expect from people who hide behind the name “progressive” to disguise their true political philosophy which is deeply rooted in socialism?

    They control the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.