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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Democrats: Without a Purpose Other Than To Spend

"We have that duty to make sure that no one starves," state Sen. Jenny Oropeza (D-Long Beach) said as she pleaded with GOP senators for their votes.

And thusly, the stupidity and ignorance continues……….

I don’t know anyone starving in California.  If there are needs, they are being met by family, social service agencies or some form of government.  If Jenny Oropeza really believes that this budget is about people starving, she is just dumb.

Even with no money, Democrats don’t get it – because they have no purpose in life other than to spend.  Without money to spend, they might as well go home.

Much is made of "outreach" programs to meet politlical objectives.  Republicans have their various outreach programs, which don’t work.  The entire Democrat outreach program is spending money.  That is all they have to offer. And now that then can’t do it anymore, the are an angry mob prone to say stupid things.  

Thanks for the entertainment……….