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Congressman John Campbell

Why I endorsed Meg Whitman for Governor

Anyone reading the Flashreport knows that these are not average times for California. This great state of my birth is collapsing around us, and we need exceptional leadership during these exceptional times. I believe Meg Whitman best fits that bill for 3 reasons:

1) We don’t just need a governor, we need a game changer.  Meg has the potential to truly change the political landscape in California. She brings a strong background from eBay, and her capabilities, determination, and character, are exactly what we need. Technical changes, tinkering around the edges or working within the system will not get it done. The next governor must command the stature to lead us to a new place and I believe Meg Whitman can do that.

2) She is not afraid to take an unpopular position in which she believes and then stand firmly by it. Clearly, governance by polling has not worked for this state. We have seen Meg Whitman take a principled stand on Prop. 8, in the face of opposition from her core constituencies in the Bay Area internet community. She will lead and not follow, and will not be afraid to do what needs to be done even in the face of powerful opposition. And, I believe, she will not shrink from the fight.

3) California cannot succeed without a resurgence of the California Republican Party. With the exception of the governor’s office, this state has been under one party Democrat rule for virtually all of my life. That’s not good for Democracy or California. Meg has the ability to attract entirely new universes to the Republican Party because of her hi-tech background, her ability to connect with younger voters, and her gender. We lost a lot of women, younger voters, and people working in new industries in the last election. Meg can get them back. And we should get them back. We are the party of freedom. Democrats are the party of central control. California has always been about the freedom to discover, to create and to experiment. She can help get that back.

The 2010 elections could be a watershed for this state. We should not waste the opportunity. I believe that Meg Whitman puts us in the best position to polish the tarnished gold of the Golden State.

2 Responses to “Why I endorsed Meg Whitman for Governor”

  1. Says:

    This is one time I must part with my congressman. Ms. Whitman is pro-abortion and even taxpayer funding for abortions. I know a lot of people wish the abortion issue would “just go away” but its not.

    Ms. Whitman is a nice person and a brilliant businesswoman. But she is not going to inspire the base of the party.

  2. Says:

    Congressman: Did you think about all of this before or after switching on your support from Poizner to Whitman?

    Your post on here has no value, because you did support Poizner all along, until someone in the Whitman camp did some arm twisting.

    Your words mean nothing, because you did NOT even stick to your endorsement the first time around!