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Jon Fleischman

Weekly Standard Hit With eBay Advertising Blitz After eMeg Story Runs

I am sure most California politicos didn’t miss the above-the-top "I love Meg Whitman" piece penned a couple of months ago by Fred Barnes in the Weekly Standard.  I think it is ironic that one of the most prominent advertisers on the Weekly Standard’s website is now eBay.  I know because every day that I compile links for the FR’s main page, the Standard’s website is one of my stops. 

This morning I had to refresh my browser on their page exactly once to ditch the Joe Scarborough ad, and get the eBay ad you see below.  Now to be fair, perhaps they were there before the cover-story puff-piece on eBay’s former Chief Executive Officer — and I just wasn’t looking for them.

My favorite theory is that the eMeg story gets forwarded around to all of Whitman’s former employees and such, and someone in advertising says, "Hey, we should advertise on this site.  I’m sure we have thing or two in our on-line auction system even for right-wing neo- conservatives."

Then again, I guess another theory could be that eBay is this vast corporation, and they advertise heavily on the Standard because, well, they advertise everywhere!

I guess we’ll just have to wonder…

One Response to “Weekly Standard Hit With eBay Advertising Blitz After eMeg Story Runs”

  1. Says:

    You Flash Report junkies are getting all foamed up over a loser as usual. Instead of free promotion lets take another tack..

    Run an indepth article on sellers on Ebay as well as purportedly agrieved individuals to determine if this is the business model to be idolized.