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Matthew J. Cunningham

Bonnie Garcia, Your Party Needs You!

In a previous post, I called for a serious candidate to step forward and challenge Rep. Mary Bono-Mack in next year’s Republican primary.

Bono-Mack was one of only eight Republican House members to vote for the ":cap and trade" energy tax — the largest tax hike in our history, and a staggering transfer of wealth and control to the federal government. Without the votes of Bono-Mack and those seven other Republicans,m cap-and-trade would have failed.

It is simply unimaginable that any Republican with even a marginal adherence to GOP principles would vote for this monstrosity. We Republicans tend to cut our incumbents slack on the occasional stray vote, but some are so over-the-line, and so destructive of liberty, that they demand more than criticism. They call for someone to step forward and challenge that incumbent in the defense of basic party principles.

A fellow conservative blogger, Erick Erickson of, suggested former Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia as that challenger. I think that is an excellent, inspired suggestion.

Garcia was termed out in 2008. She’s a fiery conservative and tough campaigner who managed to win election three times in a district marginally winnable for Republicans. She’s a natural campaigner and a sharp contrast to the politically colorless Bono-Mack.

I haven’t spoken to Garcia, but if she’s up for the challenge, she can count on fervent support from Republicans who have simply had enough of Quislings like Bono-Mack.

Stay tuned…

One Response to “Bonnie Garcia, Your Party Needs You!”

  1. Says:

    Bonnie Garcia a conservative ?

    On December 31, 2008, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed Garcia to the state’s Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, an appointment that pays $128,000 per year?

    Supported props 57 & 58 The 15 Billion dollar bond to paper over CA budget problems in 2004?

    We may need a conservative to challenge Mary in 2010 ,i am not sure Bonnie is the one ?