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Matthew J. Cunningham

John Campbell Compares Statism Vs. Entrepreneurism As Solutions To Auto Woes

Rep. John Campbell penned an excellent op-ed last Friday for the Investors Business Daily, in which he discussed the comparative chances entrepreneurism vs. Obama-Pelosi statism for reviving the American auto industry. Campbell, naturally, comes down on the side of liberty and common sense — which unsurpor5isiingly dove-tail with his 25 of experience in that industry:

INCYMI: Entrepreneurs Will Reinvent GM’s Castoffs 

By Rep. John Campbell 

Before I lost my mind and entered politics, I was in the car dealership business for 25 years. In fact, I was the first Saturn retailer chosen back in 1988, and served on the Franchise Operations Team. I opened one of the first 25 stores in 1990 and eventually owned and operated five Saturn Facilities in Orange County, Calif. 

Saturn was truly an American innovation with a great concept, rethinking how cars had been built and sold over the previous 50 years. But Saturn was an entrepreneurial idea, smothered inside one of the world’s biggest nongovernmental bureaucracies. 

Saturn needed to move, change and react quickly, but it was prevented from doing so. Even Saturn’s breakthrough, one-page union contract was eventually replaced with a standard UAW agreement. 

The one area where Saturn remained true to its mission, however, was at its retail-dealer level. These committed independent businessmen and women continued to provide customers with industry-leading levels of care and innovation. 

Some became disenchanted with GM and the UAW’s lack of commitment to the brand and its ideals and left. But many stayed, and that’s what Roger Penske is now buying. He wants an excellent, dedicated and creative dealer body through which to sell and service cars.

You can read the rest of the column here.