As the Budget Conference Committee continues to discuss the state’s $24 billion budget deficit, Senate Republican conferees Bob Dutton and Mimi Walters are calling for less talk and more action.
In an effort to bring transparency to the Conference Committee process, Senators Dutton and Walters will be offering regular updates on the committee’s progress until it concludes.
“We have been meeting for nearly two weeks and it’s clear to us that the Democrats are not willing to make the reductions necessary to solve this $24 billion fiscal crisis,” said Dutton. “Spending reductions of this magnitude are not easy for anyone, but they are necessary. Time is running out.”
Senator Walters added, “Raising taxes is out of the question. California’s government is too large and too expensive. We have to spend less and live within our means.”
Senator Dutton and Senator Walters have repeatedly reminded their colleagues on the committee that energizing California’s economy—stimulating private sector job growth—is the long-term answer to the state’s fiscal woes.
Both Senators oppose new taxes or borrowing gimmicks that will force the problem into future years. What they support is regulatory and tax reform that will allow businesses in California to flourish again.
For example, yesterday in Conference Committee the Democrats failed to support a proposal by the Governor that would generate $100 million in new revenue in the next fiscal year by allowing the Tranquillion Ridge oil drilling project to go forward. The proposal would not only generate $1.8 billion in royalties to the state over the course of the project, but would lesson California’s dependence on foreign oil.
“It is disappointing that Democrats continue to claim they want to save services to California’s most needy, yet when given the chance, they refuse to increase revenue – unless it includes a tax increase,” Senator Walters said.
Both Senator Dutton and Senator Walters point out that the Tranquillion Ridge Project is supported by environmental groups.

June 12th, 2009 at 12:00 am
They are true believers. Even on the brink of social, cultural and economic ruin Eastern Europeon Communists still believed the “tried and true” command economy, tax and spend on themselves would trump Glasnost and related ilk…Bass and Steinberg are Eastern Europeon command economy CLONES!
Republicans must hold the line and finally stand for something except pandering for the next election dollars…