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Shawn Steel

PIONEER HENRY LUCAS, DDS, mobilized other black conservatives

A close friend of Ronald Reagan Dr. Henry Lucas enjoyed a full and productive life. He was also a California Republican leader. Lucas first campaigned for Reagan for Governor in 1966. 

Born in February 27, 1932 he earned his college degree in 1937 at Howard University and a dental degree at Meharry Medical College in Nashville. Both historical black colleges. After starting practice in San Francisco for 5 decades, Lucas help form PACT [Plan of Action for Challenging Times] a non profit which has funded over 40,000 African American students for college. 

In 1980 he and Dr. Thomas Sowell organized the Black Alternatives Conference with President Reagan’s support. Lucas argued for an alternative to the "old-time black leadership" dominated by democrats. 

Professor Thomas Sowell

As the Times quoted Lucas in 1980, "Liberal white and civil rights leaders have made a living out of civil rights." 

Reagan appointed Lucas to three Presidential Commissions. In addition Dr. Lucas served as president of the California Dental Board. His daughter Dr. Kimberly Lucas Benton will carry on with the Sutter Place Dental Group, 

Dr. Lucas was appointed to the RNC Executive Committee as president of the National Black Republican Council from 1973 to 1976. He was one of the first African American members of the RNC. There are three black elected RNC members serving today—Carl McGill Committeeman South Carolina, Dr. Ada Fisher, committeewoman North Carolina and the Rev. Keith Butler, committeeman Michigan

Chairman Michael Steele, announced today:

“The Republican Party will miss the courageous leadership and passionate activism of Dr. Lucas, one of the first African-Americans to serve on the Republican National Committee. A conservative through and through, Dr. Lucas’ work on behalf of the Republican Party and Republican candidates, particularly President Reagan, was remarkable. He blazed a trail for people like me to be where I am today. We honor his service to our party and his legacy of participation in our great democracy.  My heartfelt condolences go out to his family.”